The selected four Texas-based artists, Raul Rene Gonzalez, Guadalupe Hernandez, Delita Martin, and Yasuyo Maruyama offer their own fresh perspectives on the ancient genre of portraits.
The exhibition will open August 15 at Tyler Museum of Art, located in 1300 South Mahon, Tyler, Texas 75701
and remain on view through December 1, 2024.

The group exhibition “ART & POP REMIX” at Hankyu Department Store Osaka Umeda Main Store in Japan opens Wednesday, May 29 (Japan time)
Please drop by if you have a chance to come around the area.
大阪・阪急うめだ本店 7階美術画廊にて5/29(水)より開催される「ART & POP展」に出展します。
5月29日(水) - 6月11日(火)
10:00 - 20:00
阪急うめだ本店 7階美術画廊
〒530-8350 大阪府大阪市北区角田町8番7号
お問い合わせ: 06-6361-1381

One of my earlier paintings is exhibited in the exhibition at Kyuuyasudaginkoutamposoko in Maebashi city, Gunma Prefecture in Japan. The works in this exhibition are selected from the collections by Isao Akiyama and Fuyuhiko Yamamoto who are well-known art collectors in Japan.
この度、秋山功&山本冬彦コレクターによるコレクション展が群馬県前橋市の旧安田銀行担保倉庫 西側1階有形文化財でもある赤レンガ倉庫にて開催されます。
5月31日(金) - 6月3日(月)
13:00 - 18:00
旧安田銀行担保倉庫 西側1階 〒371-0021 群馬県前橋市住吉町2-10-2
お問い合わせ 090-2522-8079

Our two person exhibition new version of “Metamorphoses” at Artglorieux GALLERY OF TOKYO in Ginza, Tokyo opens Thursday, May 23 (Japan time) Please drop by if you have a chance to come around the area.
東京・銀座、GINZA SIX 5階にあるArtglorieux GALLERY OF TOKYOにてSuguru Hiraideと「メタモルフォーゼ展」を5/23(土)より開催いたします。お近くへお越しの際は是非お立ち寄りください。
Suguru Hiraide 平出俊
Yasuyo Maruyama 丸山恭世
2024年5月23日 (木) - 5月29日 (水)
10:30 - 20:30
アールグロリュー ギャラリー・オブ・トーキョー
〒104-0061東京都中央区銀座6-10-1 GINZA SIX 5階

biscuit gallery 3rd anniversary exhibition ”grid3”
I am happy to have my works included in the group exhibitions titled "grid3" to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the gallery named biscuit gallery in Japan. These exhibitions are held at three venues at biscuit galley, Shibuya, Tokyo, biscuit gallery, Karuizawa, Nagano, and TSUTAYA BOOKS, Kyoto. My works will be exhibited at TSUTAYA BOOKS, Kyoto from March 16 to March 26, and biscuit Galley, Shibuya, from March 23 to April 14, 2024.
February 24 – April 14, 2024
*First period: February 24 – March 17, 2024
Second period: March 23 – April 14, 2024
biscuit gallery
biscuit bldg. 1F – 3F, 1-28-8 Shoto, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo, JAPAN, 150-0046
March 16 – April 7, 2024
*First period: March 16 – March 26, 2024
Second period: March 28 – April 7, 2024
6F[T8] S.C. Takashimaya Kyoto, 35 Otabicho
2-chome Teramachi Higashiiri Shijo-dori
Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, JAPAN
この度、biscuit galleryにて開催される開廊3周年記念のグループ展、biscuit gallery 3rd anniversary exhibition「grid3」へ参加させていただきます。
会場はbiscuit gallery渋谷,biscuit gallery karuizawa(軽井沢)、京都 蔦屋書店と3会場に渡り開催されます。私は渋谷にありますbiscuit galleryの後期3/23- 4/14、京都蔦屋書店の前期3/16-3/26に展示させていただきます。
biscuit gallery
〒150-0046 東京都渋谷区松濤1-28-8 biscuit bldg. 1F~3F
会期:2024年2月24日(土) - 4月14日(日)
※前期:2/24 - 3/17・後期:3/23 - 4/14
網代幸介、安藤由莉、海老原イェニ、岡田佑里奈、奥木電助、KAYA、北島麻里子、工藤時生、斉藤七海、下村悠天、杉田万智、辻一徹、仲衿香、長田沙央梨、永田優美、林果林、松本崇宏、三代宏大、三原秋奈、森博幸、森ゆらら、森川瑳久、山田美優、山田優アントニ、山ノ内陽介、Rhee Donghoon、廖元溢、渡邊涼太
京都 蔦屋書店
京都府京都市下京区四条通寺町東入二丁目御旅町35 京都髙島屋S.C. 6階
会期:2024年3月16日(土) - 4月7日(日)
※前期:3/16 - 3/26・後期:3/28 - 4/7
Three- person exhibition

The three-person exhibition "Metamorphose" starts January 25th at HOKUBU Memorial Picture Museum, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. This show runs to February 18th.
1月25日(木) より北海道、札幌市内にありますHOKUBU記念絵画館にて3人展「Metamorphose」が始まります。お近くへお越しの際は是非お立ち寄りくださいませ。会期は2月18日(日)まで。
平出 俊
2024年1月25日(木) - 2月18日(日)
10:00 - 17:00
Three- person exhibition
大阪、阪急MEN'S OSAKA, Contemporary Art Galleryにて開催されます、3人展「Metamorphoses」に新旧作合わせて8点出展予定です。
平出 俊
舟木 愛
2023年12月20日(水) - 2024年1月8日(月)
3F Contemporary Art Gallery

2023年10月28日 (土) - 2024年2月3日 (土)
11月2日(木)17:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 17:00
※土曜のみ13:00 - 17:00
Wichita Falls Museum of Art at Midwestern State University
Artists include
The artists from Japan
Ryoichi Chuzenji, Hideo Iida, Chisato Ito, Toshiaki Kurahashi, Yasunari Nakagomi, Haruyo Nakanishi, Rie Sato, Izumi Tanabe, Tetsuro Tomonari, Teryl Naomi Tsuda.
The artists in the United State
Michael Collins, Daniel Calderon, Gary Goldberg, Steve Hilton, Suguru Hiraide, Shang-Yi Hua, Nancy Johnson, Sharon Kopriva, Yasuyo Maruyama, Mari Omori, Sherry Owens,
Morgan Page, Catherine Prose, Hiroko Yoshimoto, Erick Zambrano.
Wichita Falls Museum of Art
2 Eureka Cir, Wichita Falls, TX, 76308
Gallery Hours
Tuesday through Friday
10am - 5pm
1pm - 5 pm

2023年8月26日(土) - 8月27日(日)に台湾で開催されます、ART FORMOSA 2023にGALLERY NAOより出展いたします。
2023年8月26日(土) - 8月27日(日)
Eslite hotel
No.98, Yanchang Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 11072, Taiwan
Saturday, August 26, 2023 - Sunday, August 27, 2023
Eslite hotel
No.98, Yanchang Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 11072, Taiwan

Ro2 Art is thrilled to present the ninth edition of Ro2 Art's annual small works exhibition, Chaos!
The exhibition will open July 15 at Ro2 Art Projects, located in The Cedars neighborhood of Dallas, and remain on view through September 16, 2023.
The opening reception will be held July 15 from 7 - 10 pm at Ro2 Art Projects, 1501 S. Ervay St., Dallas, TX.
Ali Hasan Adatia - Cree Agent - Sophia Anthony - Justin Archer - Paul Armstrong - Jon Ashcraft - Matt Bagley - Jessica Baldivieso - Hannah Baskin - Ed Beardsley - Aulona Begaj - Allison Belliveau-Proulx - Scott Bell - Michael Benson - Davis Birks - Gillian Bradshaw-Smith - Victoria Brill - Joshua Steven Bryant - Sara Cardona - Dwayne Carter - Krista Chalkley - Du Chau - Charles Clary - Taylor Cleveland - Ray-Mel Cornelius - Jane Cornish Smith - Ken Craft - Ron Crouch - Shane Culp - Aliyah Cydonia - Douglas Darracott - Jim Darling - Andrew DeCaen - Joshua Dodson - Chance Dunlap - Emilie Duval - Julie England - Angel Faz - Frances Ferdinands - Cheryl Finfrock - Daniela Flint - Carlin Flores - Carrie Garrott - Danielle Georgiou - Kathryn Gohmert - Courtney Googe - Olivia Govednik - Lisa Graziotto - TJ Griffin - Maria Haag - Kyle Hanson - L. Harold- Terry Hays - Suguru Hiraide - Kevin Lee Hitchings - Lisa Rachel Horlander - Lisa Huffaker - Clayton Hurt - Carol Ivey - Scott Jenkins - Michael E Johnson - Thor Johnson - Brian Keith Jones - Matthew Jones - Mary Jo Karimnia - Norman Kary - Gina Kern - Bumin Kim - Laura Hyunhjhee Kim - Kathryn Kneip - Hanna Kratsman-Robles - Nancy Lamb - Laura Lawson - Yuni Lee - Bonny Leibowitz - Heather Levy - Lauren Lewchuk - Midge Lynn - Yasuyo Maruyama - Lindsay McCulloch - Carmen Menza - Emily Brooks Millar - Eliana Miranda - Jeff Miranda - Cynthia Ann Miro - Claire Moore - Luiz Nanini - Sergio Nates - Jeanne Neal - Brooks Oliver - Adam Palmer - Sadie Patnode - Cassie Phan - Julon Pinkston - Christy Powers - Denise Prince - Casidy Rae - Teresa Rafidi - Fari Rahimi - Anthony Reans - Alex Revier - Cat Rigdon - Chris Rijk - Kathy Robinson-Hays- Mark Ross - Rhoda Savage - Brian K Scott - Susan Seaborn - Marianna Seaton - Dee Shapiro - Brantly Sheffield - Sara Shelton - Kriti Sinha - Jessica Sinks - Aza Smith - Brad Ford Smith - Ellen Soffer - Gabriella Spear - Jae-Eun Suh - Carroll Swenson-Roberts - Mikael Kory Taylor - Sadie Thibodaux - Narong Tintamusik - Tabatha Trolli - Melissa Turner Drumm - Bernardo Vallarino - David Van Ness - Byron Von - Marilyn Waligore - Kameron Walker - Alden Wallace - Peggy Wauters - Jeff Wheeler - Vance Wingate - Scott Winterrowd - Matthew Wood - Lillian Young - James Zamora
two person EXHIBITION

Originally, our two person exhibition "Metamorphose" was scheduled at GALLERY NAO in Nogizaka, Tokyo on March, 2020 but postponed. It will finally come true next month. I appreciate the gallery director for continuing to plan this exhibition, even though it wouldn't be strange if this exhibition itself could be cancelled. Please stop by when you are in the area.
2020年に東京・乃木坂にあるGALLERY NAOにてSuguru Hiraideと「メタモルフォーゼ展」を予定し、諸事情により度重なる延期の末、3年が経過し来月ついに開催する運びとなりました。私事ですが本展に併せて4年ぶりに帰国いたします。会場でお会いできましたら幸いです。
Suguru Hiraide 平出俊
Yasuyo Maruyama 丸山恭世
会期:2023年7月15日 (土) - 2023年7月30日 (日)
※会期中 7/18, 25は休廊日です。
時間:12:00 - 18:00
〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木7-2-28 セントラル乃木坂101
media information

My interview by "CanvasRebel Magazine" is on view on line.

この度、6月3日(土)よりテキサス州ヒューストンにあるRedbud Arts Centerにて開催される日米作家交流展へアメリカ側作家として参加いたします。
会期:2023年6月3日 (月) - 2023年6月24日 (土)
6月3日(土)18:00 - 21:00
時間:12:00 - 17:00
会場:Redbud Arts Center(East & West Gallery)
Artists include
The artists from Japan
Ryoichi Chuzenji, Hideo Iida, Chisato Ito, Toshiaki Kurahashi, Yasunari Nakagomi, Haruyo Nakanishi, Rie Sato, Izumi Tanabe, Tetsuro Tomonari, Teryl Naomi Tsuda.
The artists in the United State
Michael Collins, Daniel Calderon, Gary Goldberg, Steve Hilton, Suguru Hiraide, Shang-Yi Hua, Nancy Johnson, Sharon Kopriva, Yasuyo Maruyama, Mari Omori, Sherry Owens,
Morgan Page, Catherine Prose, Hiroko Yoshimoto, Erick Zambrano.
Redbud Arts Center
303 East 11th Street
Houston, Texas 77008
Gallery Hours
Tuesday through Saturday
12pm - 5pm
Or by Appointment
この度、テキサス州ダラスにギャラリーを置くRo2 ART Galleryにて開催されますグループ展「SHE / HER」へ出展いたします。
会期:2023年3月18日 (土) − 4月29日 (土)
2023年3月18日 (日) 19:00 - 22:00
会場:Ro2 Art gallery
2606 Baatan St | Dallas, Texas 75212
March 18 - April 29, 2023
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 18, 7PM - 10PM
Ro2 Art gallery
2606 Baatan St | Dallas, Texas 75212
Featuring works by: Allison Belliveau-Proulx, Gillian Bradshaw-Smith, Catherine Cornelius, Kathryn Gohmert, Candace Hicks, Bumin Kim, Hanna Kratsman-Robles, Yuni Lee, Julie Libersat, Yasuyo Maruyama, Jeanne Neal, Hayley Quentin, Cat Rigdon, Kathy Robinson-Hays, Dee Shapiro, Erica Stephens, Laura Lawson, Carroll Swenson-Roberts, Marilyn Waligore, Peggy Wauters, and Lillian Young

I am going to have a solo exhibition at Redbud Arts Center in Houston, Texas. The show is scheduled from March 4th - April 30th, 2023.
3月4日(土)から4月30日(日)までテキサス州・ヒューストンにあるRedbud Arts Centerにて個展を開催いたします。
また3月4日(土)18:00 - 21:00にレセプションを予定しております。
会期:2023年3月4日 (土) − 4月30日 (日)
時間:12:00 - 17:00
*レセプション 2023年3月4日 (金) 18:00 - 21:00
会場:Redbud Arts Center
303 East 11th Street
Houston, Texas 77008
March 4 - April 30, 2023
*RECEPTION: Friday, April 23, 6pm - 9pm
Gallery Hours:
Tuesday through Saturday
12pm - 5pm
Or by Appointment
Redbud Arts Center

My work was included in the 50th Anniversary of ”Contemporary Artist Center exhibition”, at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Japan. The show runs February 22nd to February 27th, 2023.
2023年2月22日(水) - 2月27日(月)に開催されます、第50回現代アーチストセンター展に日米国際交流展/CROSSCURRENTより作品2点出展いたします。
︎第50回 現代アーチストセンター展(最終回)
2023年2月22日(金) - 2月27日(月)
9:30 - 17:30 (入場17:00まで)

The works were selected in New American Painting West #162 by Tyler Blackwell, Cynthia Woods Mitchell Associate Curator at the Blaffer Art Museum at the University Houston.
New American Paintings 2022年版アメリカ西部在住アーティストに選出され作品を収録いただきました。
2022年9月30日(金) - 10月3日(月)に開催されます、アートフェアアジア福岡にGALLERY NAOより新作を出展いたします。日本国内での作品発表は約3年ぶりです。会場は福岡国際会議場とホテルオークラ福岡の2カ所ございますが、私はホテルオークラにて展示させていただく予定です。
「アートフェアアジア福岡 2022」
2022年9月30日(金) - 10月3日(月)
※ ホテルオークラ福岡のみ10月2日終了
〒812-0032 福岡県福岡市博多区石城町2−1
ホテルオークラ福岡 9F
〒812-0027 福岡県福岡市博多区下川端町3−2
Friday, September 30, 2022 - Monday, October 3, 2022
※ HOTEL OKURA FUKUOKA only ends October 2.
Opening Hours
Friday, September 30 4:00PM - 7:00PM(12:00PM - 4:00PM by VIP View)
Saturday, October 1 12:00PM - 7:00PM(11:00AM - 12:00PM by VIP View)
Sunday, October 2 12:00PM - 7:00PM(11:00AM - 12:00PM by VIP View)
Monday, October 3 11:00AM - 5:00PM
Fukuoka International Congress Center
2-1 Sekijomachi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi
3-2 Shimokawabatamachi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi
Group Exhibition

Ali Hasan Adatia | Olaniyi Rasheed Akirash Akindiya |Justin Archer | Karla Areli | Paul Armstrong | Jon Ashcraft | Jessica Baldivieso | Clint Bargers | Hannah Baskin | Ed Beardsley | Bartosz Beda | Scott Bell | Allison Belliveau-Proulx | Michael L. Benson | Davis Birks |Grace Biltz | Aaron Bolls | Ariel Bowman | Gillian Bradshaw-Smith |Joey Brock | Joshua Bryant | Jim Burton -| Angel Cabrales | Dwayne Carter |Krista Chalkley |Charles Clary -|Du Chau |Jason Cohen | Ray-Mel Cornelius | Camilla Cowan | Ken Craft | Lauren Cross | Ron Taylor Crouch -| Shane Culp -|Andrew DeCaen | Molly Valentine Dierks | Josh Dodson |Josephine Durkin| Huey Dynamite | Elizabeth England | Julie England | Sam England | Jesse English | Christian Fagerlund | Angel Faz | Cheryl Finfrock | Daniela Flint -| Thomas Flynn II | Carrie Perkins Garrott | Glen Gauthier | Danielle Georgiou | Suzan Giller | Courtney Googe | Charles Gray | Lisa Graziotto | Sarah Green | TJ Griffin | Kyle Hanson | Terry Hays | Elizabeth Hill | Kelsey Anne Heimerman | Suguru Hiraide | Lisa Horlander | Lisa Huffaker | Carol Ivey | Josh Jalowiec | Julia Jalowiec | Scott Jenkins | Thor Johnson | Michael E. Johnson | Brian Keith Jones | Marry Jo Karimnia| Bumin Kim | Joshua King | Iva Kinnaird | Hanna Kratsman Robles | Nancy Lamb | Doug Land | Laura J. Lawson | Jamison LeBlanc | Julia Ledyard | Yuni Lee | Bonny Leibowitz | Julie Libersat |Justin Locklear | Kai Peter Martin | Yasuyo Maruyama | Tina Medina | Teresa Megahan | Jesse Meráz | Phi Miller | Eliama Miranda |Jeffrey Miranda | Cynthia Ann Miró | JD Moore | Chet Morrison | Robyn Myirck | Jeanne C. Neal | Laura Neal | Juan Alberto Negroni | Mark S. Nelson | Cassandra Alvarado Oliphant | Brooks Oliver | Breck Outland | Adam Palmer | Jeff Parrott | Megan Ping | Julon Pinkston | Hayley Quentin |SV Randall | Teresa Rafidi | Fari Rahimi | Chris Rahmeh | Alexander Revier | Jason Reynaga | Michelle Thomas Richardson | Cat Rigdon | Kathy Robinson-Hays | Jen Rose | Mark Ross | Brian Scott | Dan Scott | Susan Seaborn | Marianna Seaton | Abby Settlemier | Dee Shapiro | Brantly Sheffield | Kasey Short | Jessica Sinks | Aza Smith | Brad Ford Smith | Ellen Soffer | Austin Sparks | Erica Stephens | Jae-Eun Suh | Nishiki Sugaweda-Beda | Carroll Swenson-Roberts | Narong Tintamusik | Erik Tosten | Fred Villanueva | Marilyn Waligore | Tino Ward | Peggy Wauters | Robert Weiss | Ashley Whitt - Vance Wingate - Scott Winterrowd | Bernando Vallarino | David Van Ness | Joachim West | Matthew Wood | Sangmi Yoo | Lillian Young | James Zamora and more!
media information

My interview by "Voyage Dallas" Magazine is on view on line.
Group Exhibition

この度、テキサス州フォートワースにございますArtspace111にて開催されます入選者展「9th Annual Texas Juried Exhibition」へ出展いたします。
会期:2022年7月16日 (土) − 8月27日 (土)
レセプション:RSVP 7月16日(土)4 - 7pm
111 Hampton St. Fort Worth, TX, 76102
Exhibition Dates: July 16 - August 27, 2022
Reception: Saturday, July 16, 2022, 4 - 7pm
RSVP here:
Featuring works by:
Kaima Akarue | Cody Arnll | Sarah Ayala | Scott Bell | Kelly Berry | Christopher Blay | Raymond Butler | Keri Carter | Rafael Castanet | Brenda Ciardiello | Wes Coke | Ron Crouch | Willie Dave | Will DeShazo | Brad Forsythe | Cody Freeman | Matthew Freeman | Drew Gaines | Raul Rene Gonzalez | Giovanni Gonzalez | Jazmin Gonzalez | Elizabeth Gonzalez | Nicholas Gully | Barbara Hack | Sibylle Hagmann | Brandon Harris | Marianne Howard | Cedric Ingram | Assandre Jean-Baptiste | Nitashia Johnson | Sudeep Kumar | Danyelle Lakin | Rosie Lee | Ray Little | Jesus Lopez | Solomon Mahlatini | Yasuyo Maruyama | Margaret McNiel | Katherine Miller |Janak Narayan | Bảo Nghi Ngo | Clark Nunn | Kemba Opio |Fari Rahimi | Amanda Rambo | Amber Razzouk | Chad Rea | Anna Redman | Lizzete Rendon | Jon Rogers | Anastacia Sadeh | Kelly Steller Hrad | Henry Thomas | Robert Weiss | Shannon West | Barron Wortham | Alex Zapata

HOKUBU Memorial Picture Museum in Hokkaido, Japan recently acquired one of my paintings "Mizuki 2" as the museum collections.
"Mizuki 2"
Oil on wood panel
36" x 36"
91 x 91cm
Group Exhibition
Portraiture: Image and Identity
この度、テキサス州アーリントンにありますTarrant County College Southeastキャンパスにて開催されますグループ展「Portraiture: Image and Identity」へ出展いたします。
会期:2022年3月28日 (月) − 5月6日 (金)
オープニングレセプション 3月31日 (金) 14:00 - 16:00
Art Corridor (Tarrant County College Southeast)
2100 Southeast Parkway, Arlington, 76018 TX
March 28 - May 6, 2022
Reception: March 31, 2022 | 2–4 pm
Art Corridor (Tarrant County College Southeast)
2100 Southeast Parkway, Arlington, 76018 TX
Arthur Fields, Loli Kantor, Nathan Madrid, Yasuyo Maruyama, Lupita Murillo Tinnen, Devon Nowlin, and Angilee Wilkerson
Group Exhibition

この度、テキサス州ラボックにありますLHUCAにて開催されますグループ展「Portraits: Impressions of our Times」へ出展いたします。
会期:2021年12月3日 (金) − 1月29日 (土)
2021年12月3日 (金) 18:00 - 21:00
511 Ave. K Lubbock, TX 79401
December 3, 2021 – January 29, 2022
Opening Reception:
Frirday, December 3, 6-9 PM
511 Ave. K Lubbock, TX 79401
Participating Artists: Stephanie Alaniz, Maisie Alford, Joey Brock, Shannon Cannings, Linda Cullum, Barbara Felix, Sarah Fisher, Joe Harjo, James Johnson, Sara Marcheli, Yasuyo Maruyama, Alan M. Richards, Gail Siptak, Maggie Taylor, Win Wallace, Jasmine Zelaya
media information

10月25日発売「月刊アートコレクターズ11月号」好きな顔 にて作品とコメントを掲載いただきました。
One of my paintings is listed in the special feature article in the Monthly Japanese art magazine, "ART collectors' " November issue.
media information

We had an interview by Elizabeth Myong, KERA’s Assistant Digital Producer few days ago. The story is released on KERA and can be listen on the KERA radio. You could also read the article on the link below.
Group Exhibition
Asian and AAPI Artists in America
この度、テキサス州ダラスのダウンタウンにギャラリーを置くRo2 ART Galleryにて開催されますグループ展「VISIBLE」へ出展いたします。
会期:2021年7月3日 (土) − 7月31日 (土)
2021年7月3日 (土) 19:00 - 22:00
会場:Ro2 ART
110 North Akard St, Dallas Texas 75201
July 3 - July 31, 2021
Opening Reception:
Saturday, July 3, 7-10 PM
Ro2 Art | Downtown, 110 N. Akard St., Dallas TX, 75201
FREE tickets via EventBrite RSVP
VISIBLE: Asian and AAPI Artists in America aims to shine a light on Asian and AAPI contributions to culture while working to combat anti-Asian bias. The show will feature boundary-pushing work in various media, from painting, printmaking, and drawing to fiber, clay, bronze, and steel.
This exhibition features works by: Elizabeth Akamatsu, Eliza Au, Jihye Han, Suguru Hiraide, Loc Huynh, Sonali Khatti, Bumin Kim, Yeonsoo Kim, Kevin Kwon, Shua Kwon, Yuni Lee, Yasuyo Maruyama, Anh-Thuy Nguyen, DJ Perera, Nishiki Suguwara-Beda, Narong Tintamusik, and Sangmi Yoo.
VISIBLE takes up space in the heart of the city as a declaration against xenophobia, elucidated through texture, color, and form. Each artist pushes the limits of their respective materials. Through aesthetics, this exhibition gives voice to the myriad experience of Asian and AAPI artists navigating contemporary American society.
media information

My alma mater, Tokyo Zokei University, has published my interview in the admission guide 2022.
media information

My interview was published on Glasstire, online art magazine, feature article written by William Sarradet, the Social Media and Events Editor.
solo exhibition

Yasuyo Maruyama | 一期一会 - Treasure every meeting -
会期:2021年4月9日 (金) − 6月11日 (金)
時間:9:00 - 17:00
2021年4月23日 (金) 17:30 - 19:30
会場:Galleria at The Forum
2120 Speedway, Wichita Falls, TX, 76308
April 9 - June 11, 2021
*RECEPTION: Friday, April 23, 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Galleria at The Forum | 2120 Speedway, Wichita Falls, TX, 76308
I am honored to have a solo exhibition at the Galleria at The Forum, Wichita Falls, Texas it'll start Friday, April 9th.
I am planning to exhibit a total of 8 paintings including new works. I'd be very happy if you drop by my exhibition.
Juried Exhibition

この度、テキサス州ダラスのダウンタウンにございますLatino Cultural Centerにて開催されますコンクール入選者展「214」へ出展いたします。尚、新型コロナウィルス感染予防・拡大防止のため、レセプションはございません。何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。
会期:2021年4月3日 (土) − 5月22日 (土)
2600 Live Oak St, Dallas, TX 75204
Exhibition Dates: April 3 - May 22, 2021
Reception: No reception
Viewing Hours:
Thursdays from 4 to 8 PM.
Fridays and Saturdays from 12 to 8 PM.
2600 Live Oak St, Dallas, TX 75204
Featuring works by:
Mirtha G. Aertker, Armando Aguirre, Sheryl Anaya, Lynn Wilkes Armstrong, Henry Aschner, Rita Barnard, Katherine Baronet, Amber Block, Victoria Joyce Brill, Fannie Brito, Dana Janene Brock, Julie Shunick Brown, Lynne Buchanan, Krista Chalkley, Charlotte Chambliss, Diana L. Chase, Ginger M. Cochran, Terry Van Cockerham, Ruben O. Contreras, LaShonda Lynn Cooks, Steve J. Danner, Alec DeJesus, Gail M. Delger, Michael D. Duncan, Suedabeh Ewing, Jonathan Frey, Brittni Geissler, James Melvin Gilbreath, Nick Glenn, Kelsey Anne Heimerman, Juan J. Hernández, Duke M. Horn, John Phillip Irizarry, Karen A. Jacobi, Sudeep Kumar, Sharon Kyle, Goran Maric, Virginia Jean Marsh, Nan Martin, Romulo Martinez, Yasuyo Maruyama, Leslie Mauldin, Adriane McMillon, Eliana Miranda, Florentino Morales, Jefferson Muncy, Swarangi Shailesh Potdar, Tanya Quinlan, Elise Techentine, Madeleine Tellier Craig, Silvia Thornton, Neal Austin Wagner, Kat Warwick, Robert Miller Weiss, Ziesook You, and VET.
Group Exhibition

この度、テキサス州ダラスのダウンタウンにギャラリーを置くRo2 ART Galleryにて開催されますグループ展「RO2 : : PRESENTS」へ出展いたします。尚、新型コロナウィルス感染予防・拡大防止のため、現在当ギャラリーでは入場制限を実施しております。(入替制によりその都度定員10名様まで)ご来場のお客様にはご不便をおかけしますが、ご予約いただけますと幸いです。何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。
会期:2020年12月12日 (土) − 1月9日 (土)
*オープニングレセプション 2020年12月13日 (日) 12:00 - 17:00
会場:Ro2 ART
110 North Akard St, Dallas Texas 75201
December 12 - January 9, 2021
Opening Reception: Sunday December 13, 12-5 PM
Ro2 Art | Downtown, 110 N. Akard St., Dallas TX, 75201
Limited Entry: FREE tickets via EventBrite RSVP
The exhibition will be on view at Ro2 Art | Downtown located at 110 North Akard in Dallas, by appointment beginning Saturday, December 12th, with a limited attendance reception (via Eventbrite, 10 visitors each timeslot) on Sunday, December 13th. The show will continue to be on view until January 9th, 2021.
Featuring works by:
Adam Palmer, Alexander K Revier, Alexander Paulus, Angel Cabrales, Ari Brielle, Ariel Bowman, Bernardo Vallarino, Bumin Kim, Carroll Swenson-Roberts, Charles Clary, Cheryl Finfrock, Courtney Nicole Googe, Dee Shapiro, Elizabeth Yarosz-Ash, Erica Stephens, Fannie Brito, Gillian Bradshaw-Smith, Hayley Quentin, James Zamora, Jeanne C Neal, Kai Peter Martin, Kathy Robison-Hays, Kyle Hanson, Loc Huynh, Mark Burt, Mark Ross, Nancy Ferro, Narong Tintamusik, Nathan Porterfield, Peggy Wauters, Ray-Mel Cornelius, Robin Ragin, Rowen Foster, Scott Winterrowd, Sharon Neel Bagley, Suguru Hiraide, Terry Hays, TJ Griffin, Yasuyo Maruyama, Yuni Lee
solo exhibition

Yasuyo Maruyama | Mind’s Eye
この度、11月7日(土)より、テキサス州・ダラスのダウンタウンにありますRo2 Artギャラリーにて個展を開催いたします。
会期:2020年11月7日 (土) − 12月5日 (日)
時間:12:00 - 17:00
*オープニングレセプション 2020年11月7日 (土) 12:00 - 17:00
会場:Ro2 ART
110 North Akard St, Dallas Texas 75201
November 7 - December 5, 2020
*OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, November 7, 12-5 PM
RO2 ART | Downtown
110 North Akard St, Dallas Texas 75201
I am honored to have a solo exhibition at the Ro2 Art Gallery in downtown Dallas, Texas it'll start Saturday, November 7th.
I am planning to exhibit a total of 11 paintings including new works that I have developed in the years since I moved to Texas in 2016.
I'd be very happy if you drop by my exhibition.
Group Exhibition

この度、テキサス州ダラスのダウンタウンにギャラリーを置くRo2 ART Galleryにて開催されますグループ展「2020」へ出展いたします。
会期:2020年8月15日 (土) − 9月19日 (土)
会場:Ro2 ART
110 North Akard St, Dallas Texas 75201
August 15 - September 19, 2020
RO2 ART | Downtown
110 North Akard St, Dallas Texas 75201
The exhibition will be on view at Ro2 Art | Downtown located at 110 North Akard in Dallas, by appointment beginning Saturday, August 15 with a limited attendance reception (via Eventbrite, 10 visitors each timeslot) on Sunday, August 16. The show will continue through September 19.
Featuring works:
Justin Archer, Bartosz Beda, Michael Benson, Dan Blagg, Gillian Bradshaw-Smith, Joey Brock, Fannie Brito, Joshua Bryant, Mark Burt, Angel Cabrales, Dwayne Carter, Krista Ann Chalkley, Charles Clary, Ray-Mel Cornelius, Ken Craft, Lauren Cross, Nancy Ferro, Cheryl Finfrock, Danielle Georgiou, Joshua Goode, Kyle Hanson, Terry Hays, Candace Hicks, Suguru Hiraide, Julia Jalowiec, Brian K Jones, Bumin Kim, Julie Libersat, Nancy Lamb, Yasuyo Maruyama, Lindsay McCulloch, Jesse Meraz, Jeanne C. Neal, Sharon Neel-Bagley, Adam Palmer, Alex Paulus, Julon Pinkston, Allison Proulx, Haley Quentin, Robin Ragin, Alexander Revier, Michelle Thomas Richardson, Kathy Robinson-Hays, Elijah Ruhala, Brian Scott, Nishiki Sugawara-Beda, Carroll Swenson-Roberts, Brandon Thompson, Bernardo Vallarino-Portela, David Van Ness, Marilyn Waligore, Scott Winterrowd, Elizabeth Yarosz-Ash, Lillian Young, and more!
My exhibition in Tokyo, Japan has been postponed, due to the recent coronavirus issues. Currently, new dates for the exhibition have not been confirmed. Please visit this site or my Facebook page to find updates.
7月11日より開催を予定しておりました「Metamorphoses 平出俊・丸山恭世展」ですが、依然として我々が居住するアメリカ・テキサス州では新型コロナウィルス感染症が流行拡大しており、帰国時の検疫、隔離などの状況も考慮した上、年末~翌春へ延期をする事に決定いたしました。本展を楽しみにしておられた方々には深くお詫び申し上げます。